Yep, that's a real parrot under the picture of the wounded elephant.
Anyway, a couple of weeks ago when I moved in here, the picture was missing from the living room, (which made the living room look much less puzzling). Then I saw the picture-less frame crookedly leaning in the kitchen corner, next to the refrigerator.
Anyway, a couple of weeks ago when I moved in here, the picture was missing from the living room, (which made the living room look much less puzzling). Then I saw the picture-less frame crookedly leaning in the kitchen corner, next to the refrigerator.
"There's some wood you can make a stool out of," my son said.
Well, since most of the wood I spent the summer collecting is still in that old trailer in my sister's neighbor's yard 20 miles out in the country, not readily accessible to me, I figured that my son was right.
I took the frame out from the corner and looked more closely at it. It was made out of a fairly soft pine that had been run through a planer/shaper. There were actually 8 pieces of wood, two stapled together lengthwise on each side of the frame. The smaller lengths were covered with a kind of cloth tape, and the whole frame was painted dark brown.
I knocked the frame apart, removed the staples, and decided to remove the cloth. When I did, I found that the wood underneath had been painted a light blue-green color before the tape had been applied.
And when I did some sanding on the larger lengths, I found that they too had been painted the same blue-green color. Finally, everything, tape and wood, was all painted brown together, after the frame was assembled. There was a stamp on the unpainted back of the frame, "HECHO EN MEXICO". I'm guessing by the frame's construction that it was hechoed in a fairly small wood-shop/factory sometime during the '70's or '80's, by some darned good craftsmen -- but their work was undone by me, during September 2012.
I cut some pieces to length for legs and a seat, did some hatchet-work to split some of the larger pieces for the bracing, and I made a stool, modified Mexican style, here in Minnesota.
This stool is for sale for $65. If interested, please contact me through the comments section of this blog, or by email at For general information on these stools, more pictures, and a list of which stools are still available, please see older posts, and the Introduction.
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