Monday, June 25, 2012

Number 6

This stool is constructed of Norway Pine (the state tree of Minnesota).
I had the bright idea of taking some very small Norway Pine twigs from the ends of the branches, and bundling 5 or 6 of them together to make the legs of a stool. Then I was going to use some pine split from a larger piece of firewood for the seat of the stool.
After monkeying around for a couple of days without finding a way to tightly mount the legs to the side rails, I took them all off and unbundled them. The pieces I had planned to use for the seat were twisted, and wouldn't lay flat enough to make a stable seat, no matter what I did.
So, I took the twisted pieces I had planned to use for the seat, split them further with a hatchet, and nailed and tied them together in twos or threes for the legs. And the small twigs I had planned to use for the legs, I instead used for bracing the legs. It took a lot of short pieces of wire to tie all the joints, but it turned out very nice, if I do say so myself. The seat is made from some pine boards I found out on the brush pile behind the garden.
With all the extra time I spent monkeying around on this stool, I should by rights price it about double the others ... but I'll keep the price the same: $65. If interested, please contact me through the comments section of this blog, or by email at Reference: Stool Number 6.
For general info about stools, please see Introduction.

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